Solo Leveling is a web novel series with its origin lying in South Korea. The series premiered on March 4, 2018, being launched in KakaoPage. The first season was serialized for over 2 years, ending on March 19, 2020. The second season of the series was released on August 1, 2020. The series has been subjected to immense popularity, and the fact that it is being adapted into a video game is a testament to this, along with the fact that it has been translated into multiple languages by the fans themselves.
The credit for writing the unique plot of the series belongs to Chugong, while illustrations were done by the CEO of Redice, Jang Sung-rak, better known as Dubu. Thus far the series boats a total of 160 chapters and counting, which are dispersed across 4 volumes. The most recently released chapter has left fans anticipating what’s to come in the upcoming release, with the stakes being immensely high as the release would reveal the fate of the protagonist. Read on to know what could potentially unfold.
Solo Leveling Chapter 161: When is it Slated to Release?
Given that neither the creators nor the publishers of the series have issued word about any inconsistency that could arise with the release of the upcoming chapter, it is safe to assume that Chapter 161 would release as per schedule on August 5, 2021, at 12 am KST. For some regions, this release date would be August 4, 2021, based on the time difference.
What Can Fans Expect to See Unfold in The Upcoming Chapter?
For a brief insight into the premise of Solo Leveling, we have already covered it in one of our previous articles. Click here to read.
Chapter 160 of the series saw Jin-Woo defeat the Plague Monarch, only to get attacked rather fatally by the Beast Monarch later on. The upcoming chapter would explore his fate post this attack, and fans are expecting him to use his self-heal ability and recover from the attack, given that he just leveled up recently. His chances at survival are further amplified by the fact that he has the Holy Water of Life at his disposal, which can heal him completely as long as he isn’t dead.
Given that Jin-Woo’s father is also a hunter who has leveled up, fans are predicting his arrival at the scene in order to save his son. There are also indications that Jin-Woo may succeed in recruiting the Plague Monarch’s subjects as his shadow soldiers post his recovery, thereby exponentially increasing his chances of succeeding in battle.
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