Boruto: It is a Japanese manga series written by Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto. Kodachi is a writer for the manga since May 2016, and Kishimoto is an editorial supervisor since July 2019. The manga was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump by Shueisha, then moved to Shueisha’s monthly magazine, V Jump, in July 2019. With Kodachi’s departure in November 2020, Kishimoto took over as writer. It is a sequel to Naruto.
Boruto: Spoilers
Boruto may have more than 500 episodes. The anime is currently on episode 228, and it has only adapted a quarter of the manga so far.
According to how often the manga is adapted, the number of episodes will vary.
Boruto: Chapter 227 Synopsis
Synopsis for Boruto EP 227 is based on the Team 7 mission. Original synopsis found in Animedia Magazine. It is clear that Sarada, Boruto, and Mitsuki will now serve as Team 7 under Sarada’s command. Sarutobi Konohamaru is not going with them on missions, so the three of them feel a bit lonely.
Concurrently, Konohamaru has left to go on a mission with Mirai, but Mirai has just returned to the village almost dead. Mirai regained consciousness and reported that the mission had developed differently than they expected. Thus, reinforcements were immediately dispatched to Konohamaru’s location. These would be Team 7.
B0ruto: Naruto Next Generations EP 227 Release Date
On Sunday, 05 December 2021, Boruto Episode 227 will be released. Anime sources have confirmed this. Each Sunday, Boruto’s New Episodes: Naruto Next Generations will be released. Streamers can change the timezone to suit their local time zone and watch Boruto Episode 227 live.
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