Ohma Tokita is voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki. Similarly, Kazuo Yamashita, Hideki Nogi, Kaede Akiyama, Lihito, Jun Sekibayashi, Cosmo Imai and Setsuna Kiryū are voiced by Chō, Jouji Nakata, Yumi Uchiyama, Hayato Kaneko, Tetsu Inada, Junya Enoki and Daisuke Namikawa  in Japanese respectively.

The manga fans are always active on social media and twitter is where they are the loudest. They always post their point of views, reviews, and feedbacks.

They are also ready to discuss the spoilers and plot of the chapter as soon as it is released and read. The chapters are of around 4-5 minutes of read. But we bet the fans take their time to analyse and enjoy every illustration and dialogues.

Kengan Omega Chapter 123 |Release Date|

Kengan Omega manga is a weekly issue, in which a new chapter is released every week. Total 122 episodes of the manga have been released. 123rd chapter is expected to release on August 27, 2021.

Stay with EveDonus Films for the latest updates.