Hanako Kun: Toilet-Bound Hnako Kun is a Manga series of Japan. This is made by Aidalro (the authors of Hnanko Kun), together are a team of Iro, the authors, the illustrators, and the writers of the series. It has been published on Square Enix’s shōnen manga magazine Monthly GFantasy since 2014. This manga has been licensed by Yen Press in South America.
How many volumes does “Hanako Kun” is having??
It is having fifteen volumes in total. The first one was published on 22nd May 2015. The second one was on 21st November 2015. The third and fourth were published on 27th May 2016 and 27th September 2016, respectively. And from 2015, the journey is going on. Recently on 27th April 2021, the fifteenth volume got published. This manga “Hanako Kun” is having a special place in everyone’s heart.
What the “Hanako Kun” is about??
This is about a girl whose name is Nene Yashiro, a student of the first-year high school. She is having a superpower and wishes for her boyfriend, and who refers to the seventh-wonder ‘Hanako-San of the toilet’ She uses to manifest herself regularly to the toilet and can wish with the right price. After researching Yashiro found that these all are humor, Hanako is a boy instead of a girl. And, then she learned the dark secrets of Hanako along with her connection with the spirit world.
When is Hanako Kun chapter 81 releasing?? And where to read manga online??
Because of the irregular schedule of manga, the chapter has not yet come out. And also the raw scans have not been produced. Due to this, the expected date is 12th August-16th August 2021. You can read it online at ‘Kissmanga’ or ‘MangaToon’.
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