Hawkey popularly known as Hawkeye is an American Television mini-series created by Jonathan Igla for streaming device Desney+, based on marvel comics featuring characters Clint barton and Kate bishop. The 5th television series by Marvel Cinematic Universe produced by marvel studios shows events after the movie Marvel Avengers Endgame 2019. With head writer been Igla and Rhyce Thomas as directing team lead. If you want to watch a trailer that went viral and broke the internet with 20 million views+ as of today watch it’s below.
Hawkey Season 1 Cast List
One year after the events of Avengers Endgame 2019. Where Ronin needed to get back to his family in time for Christmas and for that Clint Barton needs to partner with Kate Bishop to confront enemies from bartons past.
The Cast of the series is as follows.
- Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawk Eye.
- Hailee Steinfield as Kate Bishop.
- Tony Dalton as Jack Duquesne.
- Fra Fee as Kazi.
- Brain D’Arcy James as Derek Bishop.
- Alex Paunovic as Evan.
- Piotr Adamczyk as Tomas.
- Linda Cardellini as Laura barton.
- Simon Callo as Jacks Uncle.
- Vera Farmiga as Eleanor bishop.
- Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez.
- Zahn MacClarnon as Maya’s father.
- Florence Pug as Black Widow/Yelena Belova.
Hawkey Season 1 Plot And Release Date
As you must be knowing if you are a die-hard fan of marvel that the series has 3 episodes aired already and you can watch it online on Disney+ Hotstar which says new episodes Every Wednesday at 1.30 pm IST. In the 3rd episode, it was shown in the beginning that Ronin Barton and Bishop are been interrogated by Lopez in that interrogation Barton is able to free himself and the bishop and they escape the tracksuit mafia and Bishop gets his hearing aid fixed. In another location, Kazi is seen advising Maya not to get in trouble with her uncle. Meanwhile, Duquesne and Bishop convince Barton to infiltrate Eleonor’s penthouse and use her company account to look into Bishop’s criminal database. But in the end, Bishop is locked in the system while bypassing the security system and Barton is been threatened with a sword by guess what Duquesne.
So we will find out in the coming episodes whether Bishop is able to bypass the security code and find his criminal database and on the other side will Duquesne kill Barton or Barton has a clue to deal with him I guess we will find out in the coming episodes and Episode 4 is been set to release 8th December so the next episode after that will be episode 5 which will be coming just the next Wednesday that is December 15 only on Dysney+ Hotstar at 1.30 PM IST.
What to Expect On Hawkey 1st Season Episode 5
Those who watched the Premiere of the show learned Eleoner Bishop did not look right. Although she can provide a maternal presence in Kate’s life her motives are far worse than you can think which is expected to be seen in coming to few episodes like in episode 5. Drew detective has finally answered many questions asked in the 1st episode and many are unanswered. is something big is going to happen what will happen to Eleanor Bishop? I guess we have to wait and see what is presented to the fans.
We might wait until next year for more episodes to come as the show is gonna run long as it seems with a lot of mysteries surrounding the title. Till then goodbye and stay tuned to our website for more such updates and don’t forget to watch the show only on Disney+ Hotstar.
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