Saturday, May 4, 2024
Initially released on August 23, 2015, Fear The Walking Dead is one of the most popular American post-apocalyptic horror dramas. There have been a few episodes of Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 aired since season 7 premiered. This...
Lee Jung-Jae after his portrayal as Seong Gi Hun in the hit Netflix series called Squid Game has become every household child name. Due to the interesting characters like him in Squid Game and the storyline of the series...
The game is a combination of action and role-playing based and is developed and published by Capcom, the company behind Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Dead Rising, and countless others. It will be the sixth part of...
According to the promo of  My Hero Academia, the new episode would continue the story of Izuku and his friends as they fight the villains. My Hero Academia season 06 Plot The short teaser for Season 06 indicates that there is...
Jujutsu Kaisen: This is a series created and published in 2018 by Gege Akutami. An anime version of the series was released in 2020. Sunghoo Park, who directed series like The God Of High School, produced the animation show...
There's been so much anticipation for Netflix's adaptation of Cowboy Bebop that we can't believe the 10 episode series will debut on November 19. As originally developed by Sunrise, Cowboy Bebop was an animated television series produced by Shinichirō...
Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson have recently been making headlines with the status of their relationship. The world wants to know what is the actual bond that they share? Well, it's not for long that the Kardashian's life stays...
Batwoman Season 3 Episode 6 begins with the party which Ryan and Sophie attending and it is hosted by Jada, but an uninvited Marquis also attends. Sophie throws away the bug in the laundry, and Ryan runs to Jada,...
Asteroid of the size 984 feet wide believed to past this Sunday is keeping NASA on it's heels. Will it be Catastrophic, let's know more about it. Asteroid : What is it and Where Do They Come From? Asteroids are basically...
Ether being second only to Bitcoin, it has a scope in increasing it's value. let's dig deep into this and know how Ethereum's price is currently doing. Ethereum : What is it ? Strictly speaking ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain...



