White lotus: This is a miniseries directed and created by Mike White, and is an American comedy-drama. It was premiered on HBO on 11th July 2021. The series got approval in October 2020 and was filmed in Hawaii in late 2020. The series got a positive attitude from the viewers. And it is having 6 episodes that are based on the lives of the staff and guests at a Hawaiian resort over a week.
When was the first episode of “White Lotus” published on HBO and all other series??
The first episode was released on 11th July 2021, which is the arrival day. The second episode was released on 18th July 2021, which was the New day at White Lotus. The third episode was released on 25th July 2021. The fourth was released on 1st August 2021, which was recentering. And the fifth is yet to come on 8th August 2021 “The Lotus Eaters”. Further, the sixth episode will come on 15th August 2021, i.e. departures.
What the fifth episode “White Lotus” is about? Know more!!
The title of the fifth episode is inspired by the fourth one. In “The Lotus Eaters” we will be seeing Armond doing his best for damage control. On the other hand, Belinda is struggling for Tanya to focus on her business proposals. Rachel is questioning herself about her future as she is trapped in that and is unable to decide. And at last, Paula has changed her heart about her friendship with Olivia and her family.
When does the “White Lotus” episode 5 is coming out?
You will need HBO for watching the upcoming “White Lotus Episode 5”. It will be streaming on 8th August, Sunday at 9:00 p.m. You can also watch it on HBO max and the HBO app at the same time.
The viewers can also watch with the subscriptions on the OTT platform on ‘Crave’. And the episodes will be available for the ‘Binge’ subscribers on 9th August. You can also catch it on ‘Amazon Prime’ and ‘Hulu’.
Stay with EveDonus Films for the latest updates.