Written by Yū Miyazaki, and illustrated by Okiura, The Asterisk War: The Academy City on the Water is the light series novel which gave birth to the widely loved Anime series of the same name. The novel came out in 2012, September, and the popular adaptation of this manga in the form of the Anime was released in October of 2015.
The Show was an instant hit, hence it was soon followed by season two within a few months (April, 2016). Originally produced by A1 Pictures Inc., the series was soon made available on the most browsed platform of Netflix. Netflix has a good eye in picking up quality Anime.
Revisiting the series
The novel series and the anime series follows the life on Earth at a fictional period called Invertia, when the whole old world has been destroyed, and Human Beings now living on the land have special physical powers. They are addressed as The Genestella, they have to battle among each other to prove their worth and get assessed.
Both the series were super hit and really appreciated by the audience. The good plot line and well developed characters appeased the audience getting them hooked.
Will there be a third season?
There has been no news of the next season,i.e. the third season for last five years now. The audience, which was treated with two seasons back to back has been in wait of the third for a really long time now. What keeps them going is the fact that the novel series is still being released in the set pace. Release of the novel might be the reason that the makers are holding back for so long, as they need enough content to start production of series.
If due to any reasons, the makers decide to cancel the show, there’s a chance that the series might be saved and renewed by Netflix due to its great feedback. However since the cancelation has not been announced either, the fans have their hopes high. They are expecting to see their favourite characters hit the screens soon.
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