A formal essay is a concentrated piece of writing which outlines an idea or argument by using evidence, analysis and interpretation.

There are a variety of kinds of essays that you can write in your time as a student. The subject matter of the essay and length of your essay is dependent on the level you are at the subject you are studying and the requirements of your course. But, the majority of essays written at the university level are persuasive that seek to convince readers of a particular view or viewpoint on a subject.

The process of writing an essay is comprised of three major phases:

  • Preparation: Decide on your subject, conduct your research and write an outline for your essay.
  • Writing :Set out your argument in the introduction, build your argument with the help of evidence in the body and conclude with the conclusion.
  • Revision:Check the content, structure, grammar, spelling, and formatting for your article.

In this article we’ll show you what you should comprise in your intro, body and conclusion of an academic essay using the paragraphs in our interactive essay examples.

Writing Process

The writing procedure of writing, preparation and revising is applicable to any essay or piece of writing However, the time and effort needed for each stage is contingent on the kind of essay.

For instance, if you’ve been asked to write five paragraphs written expository piece for an HS class, you’ll likely devote the most time to the writing portion; for an undergraduate argumentative essays however, on the contrary, you’ll have to devote more time to researching your subject and constructing an original argument before starting writing.


  1. Decide on your essay’s topic.
  2. Research and find sources.
  3. Create your thesis.
  4. Make an outline of your essay.


  1. Make your opening.
  2. Write the principal body in a structured manner, divided by sentences.
  3. Create your concluding sentence.


  1. Review the overall structure.
  2. Rewrite the contents in each sentence.
  3. Proofread your essay for language errors.
  4. Use a plagiarism checker. You can click on this link to view one of the free plagiarism checkers.

Write a first draft

The first draft can assist you in working out:

  • the structure and structure of your essay’s structure and framework.
  • How will you respond to the how you will answer the
  • what evidence and examples you will which examples and evidence you will
  • what your argument will look like the way your argument is constructed.

The draft you draft first is not your final piece of writing; think of it as a raw piece of material which you’ll refine through the editing process and revising. When you’ve got a draft, you are able to work to write well.

How to write an introduction

The introduction establishes an atmosphere for the essay. It must grab the attention of the reader and let them know what they can expect from the essay. The introduction typically is 10-20% of the text.

1. Get your reader hooked

The first sentence in the introduction should draw the reader’s curiosity and interest. The first sentence of the introduction is often referred to as the hook. It could be a fascinating topic, an unexpected truth, or a bold declaration that highlights the significance of the subject.

2. Give background information on your topic

It is also important to provide context to aid your reader in understanding the argument. This could include giving background information, providing an overview of significant academic works or debates on the subject, and describing complex concepts. Do not go into too much detail in your introduction. You can expand on the subject in your essay.

3. The thesis statement should be presented

The next step is to formulate your thesis statement. This is the principal argument you’re planning to present. The thesis statement is a focal point and defines your position on the subject. It’s typically only one or two sentences in length.

4. Map the structure

When writing longer pieces, you may close the introduction by outlining what you will cover in each section of the essay. This will guide the reader through the structure of your essay and provides an idea of how your argument will unfold.

How to write a main body of the text

The part of your essay where you argue for your thesis, present proof, and formulate your thoughts. The aim of your essay is to communicate the argument, analyze, and interpret the sources and information you’ve gathered to back your argument.

Length of body text

The length of your body is contingent on the style of essay. The body typically is 60 to 80 percent of the essay. In the case of a high school essay, this might be as little as three paragraphs however for a graduate essay that is 6,000 words long the body could fill around 8 to 10 pages.

Paragraph structure

In order to give your essay an organized structure It is essential to arrange your essay in sections. Each paragraph must be focused around a single central concept or point.

The idea is presented in the form of a subject sentence. The topic sentence must generally follow from the preceding paragraph and highlight the idea which is made in the paragraph. Words that transition are utilized to establish distinct connections among sentences.

Following your topic statement, provide evidence , such as facts such as examples or quotations from reliable sources. Be sure to understand and analyze the evidence and demonstrate how it can help to build your argument overall.

How to write a conclusion

It is also the concluding paragraph in an essay. It should usually comprise less than 10 percent of the essay. A strong essay conclusion:

  • Returns back to the thesis.
  • Connect your key elements.
  • Make clear why your argument is important.

A good conclusion should end with an unforgettable or powerful sentence that leaves the reader with a powerful final impression.

If you can’t handle writing the output yourself, you can always use this tool.

What is not appropriate to include in the conclusion

In order to make your essay’s conclusion as solid as it can be there are a few items you must be aware of. The most frequent mistakes include:

  • Incorporating new arguments or evidence.
  • Infringing on ones arguments (e.g. “This is just one approach of many”).
  • Utilizing concluding words such as “To take a look” …””, or “In the end …”.

Tips for writing that are effective

  • Write early — the earlier you start, the more effective. Starting cuts down on stress, reduces procrastination, and allows you the time to think about your ideas.
  • Keep the essay’s topic in your mind. Don’t lose track of the task or question. Keep a copy of the essay in your mind when you draft edit, and then formulate your argument.
  • Do not attempt to write an essay from start to the end, especially not in one sitting. Start with what you have prepared to write: a plan with a few sentences or bullets. Begin with the body and move on to paragraphs.
  • Create the introduction and the conclusion following your main body. Once you know the topic of your essay Write the introduction and the conclusion.
  • Use the word “signpost” when writing. Transition signals can assist the reader to follow the flow and sequence of your thoughts.
  • Incorporate your proof with care. Introduce quotations and paraphrases by using opening phrases.
  • Revise your initial draft thoroughly. Make sure the entire essay flows , and that the paragraphs are written in an order that is logical.
  • Set aside the essay for a couple of hours. This allows you to re-evaluate the essay and make changes using a fresh set of eyes.

In conclusion, we want to say that if you are unable to write an essay yourself, you can always contact StudyCrumb.


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