Please scroll down to learn more about Moneysmsapp’s legitimacy and other important facts. com.

Are you looking for an app to help you make money? This website will help you make quick money. We will be discussing such an online platform in this article.

This portal is an internet portal based in France. It allows you to download this app and then you can get money by following the process. Com.


Only android phones can support this app. Android phones are not allowed to use this app for accessing SMS. To use this app, you must have it installed on your android phone. This app does not have access to any private messages so it is safe to use.

You can refer the app to your friends and get a small percentage of their earnings. But, the best thing about this app is that it’s free for everyone. Let us check: Moneysmsapp. com is a legitimate site or not.

Moneysmsapp Is a Real Site?

  • Registration date:This portal was created on 4th November 2015.
  • Expiry DateThis domain expires on 4th November 2022. This domain has a life expectancy of seven years.
  • Trust ScoreThis site received an 86% trust score. That’s a high rating.
  • Alexa Ranking: This site has been ranked in the 571985 position.
  • About the owner: InWHOIS, all details regarding the owner and operator of this portal can be retrieved.

This website’s information has been gathered from reliable sources. Let’s look at the pros & cons of this portal.

Moneysmsapp. com

  • This website is authentic HTTP Protocol, meaning that shared data between users are protected.
  • This portal has a trust score of 86 %. It is an excellent site for an internet portal.
  • This portal was created over six years ago and is still in operation.
  • There are many reviews for this online portal.

Negative Notes

  • Alexa’s ranking is high for users above 550.


You can see that Moneysmsapp users have given this site 3.8 stars out of 5. com. It is rated an excellent portal by 55% of users, while only 10% have rated it as a negative portal.

We can see that 3.8/5 is an excellent rating, based on customer reviews. Many buyers expressed optimism about the portal through the comments section.


As you can see, there are no negative reviews about this portal. Moneysmsapp is a legit and authentic platform. There are many positive things to be said. com.

Are you satisfied with the information provided about this site? Do you want to learn more? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section.


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