Blue Bloods is a Police Procedural Crime Drama series of America which is created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess. The main members of this series are of the Fictional Reagen Family. The filming of this was done in New York along with nearby Suburbs. The series was first debuted on 24th September 2010, and from then this series is going and makers have completed with renewing of season 11 and of season 12 which was started on April 2021, and very soon the first episode of Blue Bloods Season 12 will going to be released.
The release date of Blue Bloods Season 12 Episode 1
This is a suspenseful series for which fans were waiting for so long but now they got relaxed and super excited to watch the new upcoming season i.e. season 12 and episode 1. And the scheduled released date of Blue Bloods Season 12 Episode 1 is 1st October 2021, Friday. Your eagerness will be going to end very soon and this super exciting new season will be going to steal your heart.
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The cast of Blue Bloods Season 12 Episode 1
The following casts have played the role very well that in today’s date, this is one of the best series of America.
- Detective Danny Reagan- Donnie Wahlberg
- ADA Erin Reagan- Bridget Moynahan
- Officer/Sergeant Jamie Reagan- Will Estes
- Retired Commissioner Henry Reagan- Len Cariou
- Commissioner Frank Reagan- Tom Selleck
- Detective Jackie Curatola- Jennifer Esposito
- Linda Reagan- Amy Carlson
- Nicky Reagan- Sami Gayle
- Detective Maria Baez- Marisa Ramirez
- Officer Edit “Eddie” Janko Reagan- Vanessa Ray
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