Is it real that Covid-19 cases are dropping in the U.S? Recent Covid-19 cases, as well as hospitalizations, are reducing. Despite the reducing rate, the death rate remained at the same at higher level.

The Covid-19 cases are continued to reduce in full speed after their highest apex during mid of January. Confirming to the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC). 86706 Covid-19 cases detected overall on 8th January.  314093 cases were reported on 8th January.

Is it Really that Covid-19 Cases dropping in US, Know the Facts |EDF
Is it Really that Covid-19 Cases dropping in the U.S, Know the Facts |EDF

After then Covid-19 cases are dead dropping with 247071 cases reported on 15th January and 158598 cases reported on 28th January. In general, U.S reported more than 27 million Covid-19 confirmed cases since when this pandemic started. Experts said the vaccination is really helping for now. However, we need more effort now for its ease.

Facts about Covid-19 and U.S economy:

  • Microbusiness income dropped 20% since January.
  • Entrepreneurship dropped in between March and June but now is back on track.
  • Labour force participation in the U.S at work quaternary from January to April.
  • Pandemic has caused both public health emergency and an economic emergency in the United States.
  •  The U.S. personal economizing rate reached its highest recorded in April 2020.

  • With the cost of the living of a weak economy and labor market, policymakers must continue to use the tax, financial, and public health tools at their discarding to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

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