This Is Us is an American television series created by Dan Fogelman. The story revolves around two parents and their kids who are on born on the same day as their father’s birthday. The first season premiered in September 2016 and till now has gained a lot of attention and love from the audience.
This Is Us Season 6 Episode 4 Highlights:
In the previous episode we saw that Jack, who always wanted to go on the journey wanted to stay with his family at the end. Jack accepted the fact that his wife and his children gave him a new home. Mike invited Jack to his mother’s funeral and raised a toast. Everyone remembered her and spoke few words about her. This scene had all of us in tears.
This Is Us Season 6 Episode 5 Release Date:
There’s no official news on the release date of episode 5 yet. The production company has confirmed that the season 6 will have total 18 episodes but there’s no update for episode 5. Usually the new episode drops on every Tuesday. We can just wait for the official news.
This Is Us Season 6 Episode 5 Spoilers:
There are no such spoilers and raw scans of the next episode released yet. All the raw scans will be available 1-2 days prior the official release.
Where To Watch This Is Us Season 6 Episode 5?
We do not recommend you to watch any show on any fake platform or website, You can watch it on Hulu, FuboTV, NBC, DIRECTV, Peacock, and Spectrum.
This Is Us Cast:
- Milo Ventimiglia as Jack.
- Mandy Moore as Rebecca.
- Sterling K. Brown as Randall.
- Chrissy Metz as Kate.
- Justin Hartley as Kevin.
- Susan Kelechi Watson as Beth.
- Chris Sullivan as Toby.
- Caitlin Thompson as Madison