“Pokémon go Buddy System” Update and Everything To Know

Pokémon Go is augmented reality mobile game developed in 2016. Pokémon go buddy system is a new feature introduced in the game lately by Niantic. This feature authorize the users to make Pokémon their buddies as to help them in leveling up and earning bonus from it. This game is for both android as well as iOS users.

This feature has various levels. The first level is known as “Good Buddy” whereas the last level is “Best Buddy”. Each level requires certain numbers of affectionate hearts to level up.

"Pokémon go buddy system" update and everything to know

Pokémon Go buddy system: heart collection tricks

  •  Walking together with your buddy will help you in collecting 4 hearts. Walk with your buddy for 2km and earn 1 heart. However you will lose your progress towards your next heart incase you change your buddy, but earning candy remains same.
  •  Incase you are giving treat to your buddy that will help you in earning 4 hearts. For receiving four hearts each day you need to get 12 berries every single day.
  • Snapshot will added as 2 hearts.
  • Discover new places and earn 2 hearts. Try visiting those places where you have never been before like Pokestop and Gym.

On a regular basis maximum 10 hearts can be earned by the trainee. But incase the buddy is excited that increase the chance of earning more up to 20 hearts.

"Pokémon go buddy system" update and everything to know


What are poffins?

This is for premium users. This can instantly change your buddy’s mood and fulfill their hunger meter. This can help the players in achieving various buddies in the game. One can purchase this from Pokestore in return of 100 coins a pop.

Although where everyone is busy playing online games being carefree of it’s effects on health this needs to be mentioned that  do take care of your surrounding and play safe!

Stay connected with Eve Donus Film for more latest updates.

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