Find out more information about Paybyphone scam within the UK to stay vigilant about scam messages and to avoid being victimized.

Have you downloaded the Paybyphone application to purchase parking tickets in the United Kingdom? Have you heard about the latest scam that is being promoted by Paybyphone? Did you receive any messages asking you to change your password on the Paybyphone application?

Paybyphone is a highly regarded mobile payment application that operates in eleven countries. Have you heard that fraudsters are targeting users of the Paybyphone app in order to gain access to their personal as well as payment details? Let’s examine the Paybyphone scam .

About the Scam:

A scam linked to password resets to Paybyphone services was circulated asking users to visit the link inside the text message. The exact date at the time this scam was first discovered isn’t known.

A password is required only to use the Paybyphone application and site. If you alter your password, specific amount of crucial details are required to protect your PII. This could include questions that are secret, DoB, mother’s maid-in name, etc.

Paybyphone has stated that requests for changing passwords also encourage customers to sign up for Paybyphone products by paying a set amount, which can expose customers their payment details. Because of the Paybyphone password reset the customer’s PII can be sold online by scammers.

The link contained in the message will take you to a web page that has a URL that closely matches the genuine URL of Paybyphone website, but with a different spelling. Police and Paybyphone are both aware of these scams. Paybyphone’s official site also released an alert on these websites and are working to eliminate these websites.

Paybyphone confirmed that they don’t charge any subscription fees. But, Paybyphone didn’t provide details regarding the fake website or its address.

About Paybyphone Scam :

Paybyphone is a mobile payment application that allows you to pay for mitered parking. Paybyphone’s services are accessible via the internet, text message, phone call as well as Google and iOS applications. Users need to have their car number registered with Paybyphone to use the services.

It is possible to access the Paybyphone application, choose the number of your vehicle and then input the code for your location. Parking will be confirmed for a specific amount of time that you have selected. You may choose to increase the parking duration using Paybyphone, or make manual payments. You can choose to receive notifications via email or SMS before the time limit expires for parking and avoid the Paybyphone Scam.

Additionally, you can dial the Paybyphone console that will ask you to input information. These details can be transmitted by SMS. Paybyphone’s website is also used for these services. Paybyphone will require a time-based reset of your password to ensure the protection of your account that was exploited by scammers.


It is important to determine the reason why a password reset has been demanded on the authentic website. Additionally, since Paybyphone doesn’t charge any subscription fees it is important be aware of whether payment details for subscriptions are required. Don’t click on any hyperlinks that are from third-party websites in Paybyphone scam messages, which have a different URL, and avoid giving PII or payment details to prevent being scammed.

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