Kenja no Mago or popularly known as ‘Wise Man’s Grandchild,’ is an anime series inspired from a light novel of the same name. The novel is written by Tsuyoshi Yoshioka and was depicted by Shunsuke Ogata. The manga was released in 2016.
The manga received a lot of attention from the readers, seeing the popularity of the manga, production of an animated series was announced. The first season of the anime was released on April 10, 2019, and it concluded on June 26, 2019. It had twelve episodes.
Kenja no Mago Season 2: Release Date
The light novel series has nine volumes. But the first season only had twelve episodes. So it is safe to assume that the anime can return for a second season. Moreover, the anime series was popular among the anime lovers around the world in 2019. It was a huge success.
However, there has been no official announcements about the release of the upcoming season. We can only patiently wait for the second season. Fans were assuming that the second season will be released in the later months of 2020, but the development was stalled due to the pandemic.
Kenja no Mago Season 2 : Plot
The story starts with the rebirth of a man named Shin. Shin was a salaryman in his previous life and had died in the accident, he was reborn into a world of magic, demons, and sorcery. He has all his memories from his previous life.
Shin was adopted and raised by a powerful sage named Merlin Walford. Wolfard raised him as his own grandson. Merlin keeps Shin hidden and secluded deep in the woods. He teaches Shin everything he knows. When Shin turns 15, Merlin realizes that Sin doesn’t have common sense and is quite stupid.
Anyways, on the recommendation of Diseum, King of the Earlshide Kingdom, Shin starts going to the Kingdom Earlshide’s Magic Academy. He is treated quite well, like a celebrity in the academy as Merlin was once the beloved hero of the kingdom.
In the capital, Shin starts a club with two girls he rescued, Maria and Sizilien and others.
Kenja no Mago Season 2: Characters
The main protagonist of the show, Shin Walford is voiced by Yusuke Kobayashi.
The once powerful sage, Merlin Walford is voiced by Yusaku Yara.
August von Earlshide, the crown prince of the kingdom is voiced by Shohei Komatsu.
Maria von Messina is voiced by Yuki Wakai.
Sizilien von Claude is voiced by Rina Honnizum.
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