The 29th season of case closed was directed by Yasuichiro Yamamoto and produced by TMS Entertainment and Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation. It is also titled, Detective Conan. The series focuses on the adventure of a teenage detective Shinichi Kudo who was turned into a child by a poison called APTX 4869but continues working as a detective under Alias Conan Edogawa.
Case closed Recap On Previous Episode
In episode 89 named”Ballad of the woman who loved the cake,” the detective boys are exploring the abandoned building when they find a woman crushed in the ruins. Suddenly the woman wakes up and the detective boys are scared and fainted. Conan then comes and wake them up. When they follow the blood trails left by women they reach a confectionary shop named western confections paradise. They found a woman in red clothes with a bloodstain on the leg.
As she was injured and walking they decide to follow her, she walks to the main factory. When Conan and the detective boys decide to enter through the service entrance suddenly the secretary of the company Yayoi Ito screamed. The President of the company Akira Ogawa is found drowned in red bean paste. The younger brother of the victim and also the vice president of the company also arrives and tells the secretary to call the police. Hiroshi finds his wife Hanako Ogawa’s handkerchief next to the body. He later calls Hanako to make Alibi. The police and Cogoro try to find who is the murderer but with the detective boys help they seem to solve the case first.
Case Closed Episode 90 Expectations And Release
So, with the murder happened who has actually killed and drowned the President of the factory Akira Ogawa is that Hiroshi’swife whose handkerchief is found near the President’s dead body and who was the women walking crushed by ruins and with the blood-stained leg walking towards the building I guess we will find out that in the next episode 90.
The release date of the 90th episode is 4th December 2021. Currently, there are many anime websites providing the episodes to be watched online.
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