Lego Masters Season 2 Episode 11 is a television show of British origin. This show is a team-based game in which the teams have to compete to build the Lego project. This is an international show and many people like the scenario created for the team, following same many other countries have adopted the same format and started their new version in 2018.
In America, the Lego Masters show was first premiered on Fox on 5th February 2020. It is also the same and based on British series. Lego group has executed this show and is hosted by Will Arnett, also the judge’s post has been given to Jamie Berard and Amy Corbett. Recently, this series has been renewed for the second season which got premiered on June 2021.
The format of Lego Masters Season 2 Episode 11
As this show is a team-based game, there are two teams in each other opposition. They all are lego-building competitors, in this game, the teams have been provided with one topic which will be theme-based and will be the same for both the teams, and within the time given they have to complete the task.
After the completion of the building making, each team building gets judged by the judges, and of whose work the judges liked the most wins the game, the experts tell the reason why one of the team has won the game and why the other team has lost the game. The losing team got eliminated from the match and the winner gets Golden brisks which they can use in the further game for getting secure.
The judges will culminate the season at finales, and the match will be done between two winning teams from which only one team will become the winner and will be awarded, Lego Masters trophy, along with that $100,000, and the title of Lego Masters.
What is the release date and where you can watch Lego Masters Season 2 Episode 11?
This show is having many fan followings and only one day has left for the release of Lego Masters Season 2 Episode 11. Yes! you heard it right, on September 7th, Tuesday 2021, this show is airing for you all to enjoy and to get relaxed at 8:00 PM (New York/ American Time).
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Below given platforms, you can watch Lego Masters Season 2 Episode 11
- Hulu,
- Hulu+,
- Amazon Prime,
- The Fox, and
- Subscribe to Lego Masters on Youtube
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