We are here to help you solve What Was Previously Called Tokyo. This answer was found in the popular word game Daily Themed Crossword.

Do you think you are the one who does crossword puzzles. The Daily Themed Crossword is a crossword puzzle game that you may have heard about. Do you want to find the answer for yesterday’s question or another crossword puzzle? Daily Themed crossword game is a brain-puzzling word game where you can have fun and learn by solving crosswords.

It is enjoyed by many players in the United Kingdom as well as the United States and Canada. The most frequently searched query was What Was Earlier Called Tokyo. If you don’t know the answer, we have it here.

What was Tokyo called in the past?

If crossword solving is your hobby and you play Daily Themed Crossword then you have probably come across this puzzle yesterday. You can now check out the history of Tokyo.

This question is related to Japan’s past capital. The correct answer to this question is a three-letter term, i.e. EDO. Yes, this is what people were searching for yesterday.

Tokyo was formerly known as Daily Themed Crossword Game?

Tokyo has historically called Edo Edo. Japan’s monarch was a lonely figure in Kyoto’s ancient city during the Tokugawa Shoguns rule. Edo, where Tokugawa lived, governed and managed the country was the true epicenter of authority and government.

Edo is therefore more than just an ancient city to most Japanese people. It has a significant image and value as well. Edo is a collection of almost everything that Japanese people consider part of their culture, tradition, and history.

What is Daily Themed Crossword?

PlaySimple Games LTD has developed this crossword puzzle and is available for installation on both iOS and Android devices. What Was Previously Called Tokyo was a query highlighted in the game.

Crosswords are available in multiple topics. They cover topics such as history, technology, business, and more. These crosswords can be played anywhere and anytime. You can give your brain the exercise that it needs by solving hundreds crossword puzzles.

Also, you can increase your general knowledge to become a master. Sometimes the puzzles can be easy to solve while others are more difficult. To help you navigate such situations, we have the answer to the What Was Previously Called Tokyo question.

What similar games are there?

By sitting down to solve crosswords and puzzles, you can keep your brain active. Fun is also possible by answering questions and learning new vocabulary.

Other than Daily Themed Crossword you can also play crosswords with friends, crosswords daily pop crosswords and crosswords daily la times, among others.


Games such as daily-themed crosswords, which are based on general awareness, are a great way for people to get involved in the world. You can also play the game on your Android device.


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