The anime The Honor Student at Magic High School is a newly released anime series. It premiered its first episode on 3rd July 2021. As of 5th August, total five episodes have been released online and over 84% of the Google users have liked the show. This already successful series is a spin-off of the web novel series The Irregular at Magic High School.
The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6 : Upcoming plot
The sixth episode has been titled “I won’t let anyone interfere’ or ‘Tedashi wa Sasemasen,’. The story line of the episodes cover how First high students are subject to violent and assaulted through grenades and rifles. However it later comes to light that the assault by anti-magic organisation is just to cause a diversion from their actual motive, which was to steal the classified information from the library.
Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6 : Release date
The upcoming episode will be airing on August 7, 2021 in Japan. The show is not yet available in dubbed English versions, hence fans will have to either wait for officially translated episodes, or they can watch the series with english subtitles.
The Honor Student at Magic High School Episode 6 : Watch Online
Despite gaining fans at a zooming speed, the series is not available on many platforms yet. We have listed down a few platforms where you can enjoy the anime:
Funimation- For audience from United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Ireland. For Latin American fans, the Spanish and Portuguese subtitled versions are available.
Wakanim- Scandinavian countries can visit this site.
Bilibili is not available on all the asian countries, however, theres no harm in trying it once.
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