Ted Lasso is an American comedy show based on football. The show follows the life of a coach of an American college level football team. The coach is unexpectedly appointed as a coach for English Premier League team, AFC Richmond. First season of the show was released on 14 August 2020, it was soon renewed for the second season which went on air on 23 July 2021.
Jason Sudeikis, Bill Lawrence, Brendan Hunt, and Joe Kelly are the creators of this show. The second instalment of the show is proving to be more successful than the first one. We will be talking about the fifth episode of the second season titled ‘Rainbow in this article.
Release date of Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 5
There will be total 12 episodes in the second season of this comedy series. Till now, total four episodes have been released and the fifth is to come out soon. Since it is a weekly series, every Friday, a new episode is released. Next episode will be released on 20th August 2021. The last episode is scheduled for 8th October 2021. Every episode is of about 35 minutes on an average.
#TedLasso just released one of the best Christmas episodes of TV ever, and they did it in August. pic.twitter.com/h1ukbViUrk
— Dylan Blight (@vivaladil) August 13, 2021
Watch Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 5 online
This Apple TV+ production is officially released on their channel every week. You can subscribe to Apple TV+ to watch this hilarious series. Owing to its interesting and engaging plot line, it won’t be difficult to complete a season in a single go.
For our interested readers who can’t watch the series on Apple TV+, here are two platforms which upload the new episode a day or two later in good quality.
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