“The Dungeon Of Black Company” is a series by Yohei Yashumura. This is a Japanese manga series that was serialized in December 2016 on Mag Garden’s Mag Comi website. The series is compiled into six episodes in total. The first episode was ‘Welcome to the World of Corporate Grunts’, which was released on 9th July 2021. The second was ‘An UN-ANT-icipated Encounter’, which was released on 16th July 2021. Then, the third and fourth episodes-‘ Fun at the Corporate Training Trip’, ‘Crazy Death March’-were released on 23rd July 2021 and 30th July 2021, respectively.
Release Date : The Dungeon Of Black Company Episode 5
As all four episodes were on fire from last month, here is the releasing date of the fifth episode which is on 6th August 2021. The title given to this episode is ‘Transfer’ which is going to be super interesting. And soon the sixth episode will be going to release so stay tuned with every episode and watch it every Friday.
The Dungeon Of Black Company Episode 5 : Where To Watch Online
Online you can watch “The Dungeon Of Black Company” episode 5 on Funimation and Bilibili. “The Dungeon Of Black Company” also has its official website, where you can watch it online and see more updates about the anime. The releasing time can vary in different regions. And, the releasing time JST is at 10:30 p.m.
What is “The Dungeon Of Black Company” is about??
In this series, Kinji was once a very rich man and was a NEET. He became rich by real-estate investment to fund a penthouse lifestyle without doing any hard work. And these all get changed when he got transport to another fantasy world, where he has to work as a slave mine-worker. Now, what will happen next, watch it on the given website and end your suspense.
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