Trinity Seven is a popular anime series that was released in the year 2014, and builds its plotline around the fantasy genre, infusing it with elements of romance and comedy. It relies on the manga series of the same name as its source material, and is a televised re-telling of the same. The series was directed by Hiroshi Nishikiori, with Hiroyuki Yoshino in charge of series composition. The series comprised 12 episodes, alongside an Original Video Animation (OVA) that saw its release in 2015.
The Premise of the Series
As mentioned earlier, the series’ storyline fixates itself around the fantasy genre primarily, allowing for a lot of creativity to be leveraged in the writing. The plot follows a protagonist by the name of Arata Kasuga, who seems to be leading a rather normal life until he finds out from a mage that he is living in an illusion.
The cause for this stems from the past when the world experienced a somewhat apocalyptic event that came to be known as the breakdown phenomenon. Hijiri Kasuga, Arata’s cousin, saves him from this destruction, and a wish from Arata restores the world to normalcy. Hijiri however is absent from this restored world, and Arata has no memories relating to the breakdown phenomenon and Hijiri’s disappearance.
Upon learning the reality, Arata joins the Royal Biblia Academy led by the Trinity Seven, the titular characters of the show, and embarks on a quest to become a mage himself and rescue Hijiri, who is still seemingly alive.
Will the Series Be Renewed for Trinity Seven Season 2 ?
Post the end of the series’ original season, two Trinity Seven films were released in February 2017 and March 2019, titled Trinity Seven the Movie: The Eternal Library and the Alchemist Girl and Trinity Seven: Heavens Library & Crimson Lord respectively. These two film adaptations naturally raised the expectations for a second season of the anime series, given that the makers behind the films were the same as those behind the series.
Expectations are still ripe, as the production team has expressed their interest in renewing the series, however, they have not pinned down a release date for the same. Reports state that the release date was cited to be sometime around April of 2019, but that date has long passed. Although there have been no official confirmations, fans are expecting a second season to release sometime this year, or by early 2022.
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