Top 7: companies with social responsibility plans in latin america

The dream of every entrepreneur is to achieve a stable, successful business, which bears many fruits after a long harvest. But how do I manage to maintain business “stability” over time? Should I promote social policies only within the organization? How can I contribute some of my success to the society that saw me grow? 

Creating social responsibility programs is not only a business trend, it is a norm that should be mandatory for every company or organization, which has the duty to work on generating development to its social group and the environment to which it owes part of its success. It is also a tendency to create awareness and commitment that it is everyone’s responsibility to return the grain of sand that this planet gives us for our survival.

Today there are many companies that promote policies of a “better life” for their employees: housing, education, mobility, health programs, are some of the benefits that many organizations set as objectives. Having a work team attended, in continuous evolution, with expectations and ideals, will create a much more effective work environment, in addition to guaranteeing really tangible opportunities for the good life of their workers. A skilled worker who feels good and has a strong commitment to your organization guarantees excellent resultsPaydayMint is a great place to go if you want to invest but need more money.

An organization spins like a wheel: all to the same side, at the same time and with the same momentum. So implementing social responsibility policies inside and outside your company will be the wheel that will allow you to be in continuous progress. Working on environmental care policies or projects to generate opportunities for the community that is close to your facilities will allow you to follow at a firm pace in the development of your organization. 

In Latin America, more and more organizations have implemented successful social responsibility plans, which has improved the quality of life of millions of workers and communities. In our countries, promoting business awareness should not be optional, but a mandatory policy, in the face of reality, abandonment and corruption that consumes us day by day. And it is that our countries are still very far from development, every day we sink deeper into poverty, lack of opportunities. That is why the social role of organizations is vital, to create a different reality. 

Actions such as recycling, investments in infrastructure, education, health, planting, are some actions that although they seem simple can transform entire communities. Get out of the box, look at your surroundings and create actions for their benefit. It empowers and provides opportunities to contribute to the transformation your community so longs for. 

Below we will make a list of Latin American companies that invest in Social Responsibility and that have managed to position themselves in different countries as ideal places to work:


Grupo Aeromexico has a stable and strongcommitmentto environmentalprotectionduringtheconductofits global air operations and corporateactivities.

One of its main actions is to have a modern and friendly fleet. In 2013 it began the renewal of its fleet, incorporating the first Boeing 787s Dreamliners, which continues to this day.

One of its main goals is to emit fewer emissions: It will incorporate Boeing 737-MAXs into the fleet. These, together with the Boeing 787s Dreamliner reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by around 23%; as well as reducing noise pollution by up to 60%.

In addition to the above, it has the following actions: 

  • It recycles more than 80 tons of specially managed waste, which is equivalent to the weight of 16 elephants.
  • Install water-saving faucets, toilets and dry urinals, which help avoid the consumption of 2.5 million liters of water per year.
  • Install air conditioning units with more efficient refrigeration gases to avoid the consumption of more than 65 thousand Kw / hr per year.
  • We participate in the definition of the Global Scheme of Market-Based Measures that supports international aviation to achieve the goals of stabilization and emission reduction by 2020 and 2050.
  • As part of its strategy to conserve species and ecosystems in favor of biodiversity, Aeromexico made the decision to stop transporting hunting trophies as of 2015.


A leading global company in the food and beverage industry, always focused on seeking innovative ideas to minimize environmental impact, invest in support of communities and provide a decent workplace for its employees. They have an inclusion plan for people with disabilities and older adults. In addition, a plan to support the women who work in this organization, to develop their talents. They have a foundation for the sustainable development of the communities where they operate. 



This company has won for 15 consecutive years the distinction of socially responsible company, thanks to the programs it has to support its employees, environment, farmers and community in general. Among its social responsibility programs are support for young people, where they are trained and prepared for their insertion into the labor market. Renewable energy programs more than 100 industries of the Nestlé group already work with this type of green and clean energy. Healthy eating, they focus on providing the greatest amount of nutrients to their products, mainly those that are intended for children. 


4.- BBVA

Spanish bank, with a strong presence in Latin American countries, such as: Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Uruguay, among others. It has anti-corruption policies, which are its main pillars in the organization’s codes of conduct. They have also developed actions that favor the development and stability of their workers such as staggered schedules, transport and lactation rooms in corporate centers. As for the environment, it has an efficiency plan to reduce water and energy consumption. 



Honduran company dedicated to the manufacture of flexible packaging of the highest quality, created in 2006,currentlymanagedby Jonathan Schacher and Roderick Schacher. Has been responsible for promoting the perfect balance between state-of-the-art technology and qualified human talent. Its social responsibility programs focused on the care of the environment earned it the BEST SUSTAINABLE PROGRAM AWARD 2022. They have a photovoltaic plant, which converts solar energy into electricity. They have an innovative program for wood recycling, with which they build desks and donate them to school institutions in their community. They also promote the recycling of polypropylene, which they use again for the construction and donation of roofs. They promote social investment within their internal policies, to bring development programs to the community. It is interesting the vision of the President of INPLASA, Jonathan Schacher, who is also a director of the company Grupo Vision, which together with his partner Roderick Schacher bring technological solutions to more than 9 countries in the region, to promote actions of social responsibility in one of the poorest countries in Latin America.



Mexican company committed to providing financial services. Its code of conduct incorporates values such as: integrity, fairness, fair treatment and fairness; this last aspect led them to be considered as the best workplace for the LGBTI community. As for the care of the environment, they offer environmental analysis and advice for companies or organizations, allowing the implementation of conscious and healthy environmental plans for the environment. 



Brazilian manufacturer and marketer of beauty and personal care products. In 2016 and 2017 it was recognized as a pro-ethics company, for its efforts and implementation of measures to prevent and detect cases of corruption. Its focus on caring for the environment has resulted in the creation of two important projects: the first is the recognition of farmers as important agents in the care and conservation of forests and jungles. Deriving the initiative from the payment for environmental services, which remunerates the communities for the protection of the environment.


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