Spotify Icebergify  How do you see Listening History On the phone?

Do you enjoy listening to Spotify songs? Icebergify, what do you know? The term Icebergify is a new concept that you may not have heard of before. Icebergify, a tool that allows you to create an “Iceberg” pattern chart for your Spotify playlists and artists, is called Icebergify. Isn’t it cool? If you have no idea what this is, we suggest you read the Spotify Icebergify article. This feature has been used by many listeners in Brazil, Spain, Portugal, and the United States.

Information about Icebergify:

Icebergify was created by Akshayraj. It is an example an open-source app that was powered via Spotify Web API. Their intention is not to make money. Accepting their collection policy is a condition of using this app. The only information that the app can collect about you is your Spotify username, accountID, and the top 50 artists and songs of the last few years.


Your chart will be revealed if you view the most popular songs, artists, or genres. Users can switch between 3 different time zones. Your data will be refreshed approximately every day.

You can then compare your ranking to the last time you visited. The arrows will show you if your rank is increasing or decreasing.

Users will then need to create playlists from their music charts. Next, open the Spotify app to listen to the songs. Make sure to review your most recent listened songs.

How do you see Listening History On the phone?

Spotify allows you to access your search history to find your previously played tracks.

First, click on the “Home” button to access Spotify from your phone. You will need to click on “Home”, which is located in the bottom right corner of the top-bar. It represents the most recently played option. After clicking the “Home” button, a page called “Recently Played”, will open. Now you can listen to the songs.

How can you check Spotify Artist Stats HTML3_?

Are you a musician or a listener? It doesn’t really matter what your music is playing, as everyone can see how often it is being played. You can listen to any artist’s Spotify page and see the “Popular” option. This will show you the most-listened songs. You can also check the play count of your songs if you’re an artist. To do this, sign up and log in to Spotify For Artists.

Last words:

This concludes today’s article. This article about Spotify Icebergify was written to help you better understand the features and functions of Spotify. For more information on YouTube-, those still confused can click the below-mentioned hyperlink.

Are you a Spotify user? Listening to Spotify songs is something you love. Leave us feedback below.

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