Spice and Wolf is an anime series that has been adapted using the light novel of the same name as its source material. The writer of the original novel was Isuna Hasekura and illustrations were provided by Jū Ayakura. The anime series was helmed by Takeo Takahashi as director, with production being undertaken by Imagin.
The series premiered on January 9, 2008, and aired until September 24, 2009, comprising 2 seasons and spanning 24 episodes. Having been almost 12 years since it went off-air, and being a very popular anime series, fans are eager with anticipation to know whether or not a third season is under consideration and if so, when would it be expected to release.
Spice and Wolf Season 3 : Plot
The series follows Kraft Lawrence, a traveling merchant who peddles various goods from town to town, with the intention of owning his own shop someday. Along the course of his travels, he bumps into Holo in the town of Pasloe, a wolf-deity resembling a 15-year-old girl. Being the goddess of the harvest of the village, she confides in Kraft about the growing separation between her and the people of the village, as they devise their own ways to increase the harvest.
She also reveals her urge to know how the world has evolved with her having been in the same place for many years, and manages to convince Kraft to let her embark with him on his travels. Her knowledge and wisdom help Kraft’s cause, however, her true identity brings her unwanted attention, forming the course for the remainder of the story.
Will A Third Season See The Light of Day?
This may be rather unfortunate news for the fans, but a third season of the series may never surface, given that the creator himself has stated his disinterest in taking the anime forward. It has been almost 12 years since the series ended, and given that the makers have not yet changed their stance despite multiple attempts from fans, it seems highly unlikely that a third season may be released. Fans, therefore, would have to attempt to re-evoke the nostalgia solely by virtue of the source material.
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