“The Dungeon of Black Company” is a Japanese manga series. This is written by Yohei Yasumura. The series has been collected into 5 tankobon volumes and was serialized on Mag Gardens Mag Comi Website in December 2016. Seven Seas Entertainment has licensed the manga in North America. This was premiered on 9th July 2021 as an anime television series adaptation by Silver Link.
Most of the fans are curiously waiting for the manga to release and the curiosity for knowing what will be going to happen in the upcoming episode i.e. episode 7. Soon it will be going to release and on which date? Read below more.
The Dungeon Of Black Company release date
The most popular Japanese manga series “The Dungeon of Black Company” was initially released on 9th July 2021 and the series got huge popularity among people. Everyone is now waiting for the new episode to get publish which is releasing on 20th August 2021. The title given to this episode is ‘Return To Work’. You have to still wait for seven days and after seven days your countdown will get end and can watch it online.
Where you can watch it online and its trailer is given below:
You can watch the most popular “The dungeon of the black company” episode 7 online on Funimation, Bilibili, and you can also watch it on Anime’s official website with English subtitles.
Recap of The dungeon of black company episode 6 and the upcoming story of episode 7
In episode 6 we have seen that Kinji traveled 300 years ahead in the future and was teleported again to Amuria. Also, we have seen what happened with Ant A, Wanibe and the Queen ant were missing from the episode.
In episode 7 we will be seeing the upcoming twist of what rank demons will hold in the army and what will happen to them after Kinji disappears. For knowing more, you have to watch episode 7 of “The Dungeon of Black Company”.
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