Platinum End is a Japanese manga series written by Tsugumi Ohga and Illustrated by Takeshi Obata. You can read the manga online on You can also watch one video on the series below.
Platinum End Cast
The cast of the series is below.
- Mirai Kakehashi-he was raised by an abusive uncle and aunt after his parents were killed in a car crash.
- Nasse-Mirai’s Angel
- Saki Hanakago-is Mirai’s classmate and Gods candidate as well.
- Revel-Sakis Angel
- Kanade Uryu-The main antagonist of the series who happens to kill everybody necessary to become God.
- Tonma Rodriguez-A God candidate and Failed comedian.
- Meyza-Kanade’s angel with special rank.
- Luta-Tonmas angel of second rank.
- Emaka-Angel of 1st rank.
Platinum End Episode 12 Plot And Release Date
The story follows like this, Just as it looked like the Gods candidates have come to an agreement just then one gets assassinated. after all that drama professor Yoneda comes in control of Gods candidate selection process. It is still to find out that whether the remaining candidates come to accomplish the goal of Yoneda to get rid of candidates who are fake and save humanity from fake gods. For this what plan does Mirai have in mind is yet to find out in this Chapter?.
Platinum end releases a new episode weekly via Crunchyroll and Funimation where it is available on Japanese audio and English subtitles. you can watch episode 12 on 24th December 2021 and if you don’t have a premium subscription then you need to wait one more week and 31st December 2021 till you will watch that. There are 24 episodes this season. This is also a manga yet another shall I say and for fun and time pass you can read it and if i tell you of Japanese people then you know they are mad about every manga and anime released in their country so be anime freak and till then see ya!
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