My Hero Academia is a superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kohei Horikoshi. The story follows a boy named Izuki Midoriya is having superpowers and is in a world where it is commonplace but still, he dreams of becoming a superhero himself. The Boy is been in search of more powers and is been helped in search by Japans greatest hero the All Might, who chooses himself as his successor and also shares his quirks(superpowers) with him and also recognising his potential he is been sent to High school where there are heroes who are getting trained. You can read the series on and also watch a small video on the series below.
My Hero Academia Chapter 338 Details Spoilers And Release Date
The Chapter Raw scan begins with Aoyama being put in the same muzzle as Bakugouby inspector Tasukauchi. Tasukauchi says that it’s best to keep Aoyama checked in the hospital to make sure he doesn’t explode before putting him under AFO. Later Aoyamas are asked why they were not informed about the Kamino raid which they replied that they didn’t initiate the communications which were only possible from them.
Later Midoriya says Aoyama is the only one capable of leading them to AFO, but the present mic says he is not trusted. Lida says that they should let the past be past and move forward with each other. However, Aizawa is against expelling Aoyama and letting him not hear the plan they are talking about. the Chapter releases 19 December 2021, However it has released on 18th in some regions.
My Hero Academia Chapter 338 Afterwards expectations
Aoyama has done something for which he is been somewhat U.A traitor while some are ready to forgive him and some want punishment for him so Ayoyama cannot be trusted just yet meanwhile Aizawa is still in hospital fighting for his wounds. But still, he is guiding his students.
The plans regarding Aoyama is still not clear however something monumental is going to happen which can be sensed. Also, hatsume is going to give new costumes to Deku’s and Lida’s.
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