Vinland Saga: This is an epic and historical Manga series of Japanese history, which is illustrated and written by the author Makoto Yukimura and is streaming since 2005. Kodansha has published the series and was broadcasted in the “Youth-Targeted” weekly magazine. Kodansha USA has also licensed “Vinland Saga” English publication.
In 2021, the series has been assembled into twenty-five volumes. Almost, over 5.5 million copies have been sold and circulated in July 2021, the “Vinland Saga” has also been awarded for Best Genera Manga with Kodansha Manga Award.
What ‘Vinland Saga’ is about??
This series is full of revenge, violence, injustice, and wars, in which a 15-year-old boy Thorfinn, the son of one of Viking’s greatest warriors, joined Askeladd’s band to challenge Askeladd and to take revenge for his father’s death who died in the war with Askeladd. And in the upcoming chapter you will be seeing Thorfinn and his crew, landed on American soil, and have met the native tribe.
Vinland Saga Chapter 186 Release Date
Every new series use to be released on 24th-26th August of “Vinland Saga”, but this time it will be releasing on 25th September 2021 because of some delay whose reasons are not known. And the next chapter will also be going to come out in September 2021.
Where to read Vinland Saga Chapter 186 online??
Before the official release of the manga, many raw copies have started circulating of the chapter. The manga is originally written in Japanese and therefore, it takes a few hours more to translate into English. You can buy the manga “Vinland Saga” from Kodansha USA. And if you are willing to read the latest chapters, then you can also read the translations done by ‘Online fan groups’.
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