Vinland Saga is full of bloodshed and war series which is having a lot of drama and epic actions. This manga series follows the revenge of a Viking warrior son named Thorfinn who is set to take his father’s death revenge. This series has been serializing for so long since 2005 and Makoto Yukimura is the author of this manga series who has illustrated and has written this historic manga series.
Till July 2021, an overall 5.5 million copies of this manga series has been circulated as well as sold all over the world. This series has been also Awarded Kodansha Manga Award and has been compiled into twenty-five volumes.
Release Date of Vinland Saga Chapter 186
The date has been already scheduled to caste as every series of this manga has been confirmed to release on 24th– 26th August, but this time it got delayed and this new chapter 186 of Vinland Saga has been published on 25th of September 2021, and the reasons for the delay was not known by anyone till yet.
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Where to Read Vinland Saga chapter 186 manga online?
As this is the Japanese language manga series, it usually takes 2-3 days more for the translation of manga in the English language, also the raw scans were out before 2-4 days prior and have been circulated all over. This is an amazing manga series which is having thriller scenes, fights, battles, war, violence, and revenge.
This manga has been serialized on the official platform of Kodansha where you can read it online, and also if you want to read it in the English language then you can visit the Online Fan Groups platform, which they use to keep the latest upcoming chapters in the translated version for the audience to read.
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