Solo Leveling is a South Korean web novel series. The storyline for the series has been penned down by Chugong, while the illustrations have been done by Jang Sung-rak, also know as Dubu, the CEO of Redice studio. The series has multiple adaptations, with the webtoon being the most popular. At present, the webtoon series boasts a total of 159 chapters and counting, spread across 4 volumes.
The webtoon was launched in KakaoPage on March 4, 2018, with the first season concluding on March 19, 2020. The series has gained considerable popularity, which is evident from the fact that it is being adapted into a game as well as a drama series. The most recent chapter of the series left fans wanting more, so read on to know about what to possibly expect from Chapter 160.
Solo Leveling Premise
The series opens with gates opening in multiple places, which are portals that connect the world of monsters with that of humans. The opening of these gates results in some of the population gaining superpowers, who are referred to as hunters. The hunters aim to defend humans against the monsters with their newly acquired superpowers.
The series follows Sung Jim-woo as the protagonist of the series, who is the weakest amongst the hunters. One fine day, he dies as a result of being trapped in a dungeon along with some other hunters. Things take a turn, however, when he re-awakens as a player where the world appears to his eyes as though it were a video game, having an interface displaying stats, inventory, store, and other game elements. The series hereon traces his quest to become the most powerful hunter.
Solo Leveling Chapter 160 : Release Date, Potential Plot and Where to Read
The chapters of Solo Leveling usually release on a weekly basis, and going by that pattern Chapter 160 should be expected to release on July 29, 2021, at midnight (KST). The release can be found available to read on the official KakaoPage website. Additionally, there are multiple other websites that fans can access to read the series, with Tappytoon and Tapas being the most popular options.
There have been no leaks about the potential plot of the upcoming chapter, but given that the previous chapter saw Jim-woo engage in battle against the Monarchs, and despite performing well, he was seen spitting blood out, fans can expect him to either outshine the Monarchs in the next chapter or retreat from the battle to safety.
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