One Piece is an anime television series that is based on the manga series of the same name which was penned by Eiichiro Oda. The anime series has been running for over two decades now, having premiered on October 20, 1999. The series is currently in its 20th season, and the 986th episode is slated to release soon, for which fans are anticipating the release date and any potential revelations.
The protagonist of the series is Monkey D Luffy, a boy who after accidentally eating what was known as the Devil Fruit, gained properties of rubber. He along with his team of pirates explore the Grand Line in the hopes of finding an ultimate tressure dubbed ‘One Piece’, the attainment of which would make him the Pirate king.
Episode 987: Release Date and Spoilers
The tentative release date for the upcoming episode as of now is August 15, 2021, with the expected time of release being approximately 9:30 am JST. As of this point, there are no potential spoilers for the upcoming episode, but fan predictions hint at Queen experiencing a sense of shock when she notices Kidd infiltrating Onigashima. Fans should also expect to see a battle between Kidd and Apoo, as this was hinted at in the preview.
Where Can One Piece Episode 987 Be Watched?
The series can be watched on multiple online platforms such as Crunchyroll, Hulu, Funimation, and AnimeLab. Crunchyroll offers viewers the option to watch the series for free, however, in that case, viewers would be subject to constant advertisements and would get access to the latest episode only a week after its release.
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