Japanese manga series, My Hero Academia which was released on July 7, 2014 has been serialised in Weekly Shonen Jump. This series focuses on a boy named Izuku Midoriya, who is born without any superpowers in a world where 80% of the poupulation have some kind of powers. He still dreams to become a superhero one day. This series has successfully run through 334 chapters and is still continuing.
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My Hero Academia Chapter 334 : Recap
Chapter 334 of the series My Hero Academia came out on 21st of November, 2021. This chapter begins from where it was left off in chapter 333. The jets chase down flying Shigaraki who had stolen the wing quirk from Nomu. Shigaraki has been looking for someone to pass on his New Order quirk to before he loses his consciousness. Shigaraki flies at full speed so tat he can escape pilot’s sight.
Shigaraki finds Kashiko Kasi, a serial killer who is sitting with his wife in their house. Shigaraki decides to transfer New Order quirk to Kashi so that he can save himself. When he tries to do so, Star and Stripe appear and start revolting. Since Shigaraki has contained so many quirks inside his body, Star and Stripe get tired of fighting all of them.. Star regrets that she couldn’t kill him by herself but has fate that one day someone will kill him.
When the news of the Number One American hero -Star and Stripe’s death is spread to the world , the other nations decide to take off their helping hands at Japan. At the end of the chapter we can see Bokugou and others from Class 1- A discovering that Shigaraki would remain out of action for some time because of Star.
My Hero Academia Chapter 335: Release Date And Spoiler.
The official release date of My Hero Academia Chapter 335 is set on 28th of November,2021. You can read it online from Shonen Jump App, MangaPlus or Viz Media website.
There are no official spoilers released for this chapter. But we can expect to see Deku and his comrades preparing for their big battle alongside the Pro-Heroes in this chapter. This will be Deku’s first fight alongside his friends after getting inside U.A . It will be interesting to see about what will Kashi do with his New Order quirk.
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