The Kingdom Chapter 690 is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Yasuhisa Hara. This manga was first aired on 26th January 2006 in the manga magazine Weekly Young Jump by Shueisha’s seinen. Studio Pierrot has adapted this manga into three-season anime television series. With 61 tankobon volumes, the 62nd volume has been released at the latest.
The manga opens in a fictional war state as Xin, a war orphan fights with his friend to become the greatest general under heaven, this all leads China to unite and stand for the first time in 500 years, and then Funimation has licensed this series into English-language release.
What is the Release Date of Kingdom Chapter 690
The Kingdom Chapter 690 was on a weekly break and the release date has been shifted from August 2021 to September 2021. Still the title of this chapter 690 has not been revealed and the expected date of release of chapter 690 of Kingdom is 4th September 2021 Saturday.
Where to read Kingdom Chapter 690 manga online?
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The English translation of the manga Kingdom Chapter 690 can be read on ‘To Love-Ru manga’, or ‘Funimation’, but it will be better for you to wait until the platforms are announced officially. No raw scans are available yet, but as we all know that the raw scans get available 2-3 days before the actual release so don’t forget to check.
Spoiler of Kingdom Chapter 690
In the last chapter i.e. in chapter 689, we have seen Shin fighting with his opponent GakuHaku and they both shift to sword fighting. In this chapter also the fight will be continuing and will see Shin is not getting terrified with GakuHaku even though he is having less knowledge and practice of sword fighting in comparison to GakuHaku, as the opponent of Shin has already mastered sword fighting along with martial arts.
Shin is continuously trying to defeat GakuHaku and GakuHaku is facing him with full power due to this Shin has decided to change his technique towards playing. Will Shin be able to win by defeating GakuHaku or have to lose the match? Do watch it on the given date to know what will be going to happen?
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