Man With A Plan is an American famed comedy TV show aired on CBS on October 14, 2016, featuring Matt LeBlanc and Liza Snyder. So far, the show has aired 4 seasons and the fans are eagerly counting on 5th season to come back soon on screens. Unfortunately, CBS has officially canceled the show and currently holds no plans for season 5.
Matt LeBlanc has been a huge part of various popular shows including Friends which was a completely iconic show. The fans have always loved the characters Matt Le had played and now expecting for Man With A Plan season 5. Sadly, the odds are it is not going to happen now.
Man With A Plan Season 5 Cancelled. Will It Be Back?
The show has a considerable amount of fan support expecting it to continue the journey. It was an absolute shock for the supporters that season 5 was announced to be canceled even before the release of season 4. It is obvious to demand for next season since people have already invested time in the first four sequels and got connected with the story.
Man With A Plan was receiving an unexpected amount of support, response, and appreciation. Woefully, the rating of the final season was deteriorating, and the graph was going low compared to season 3. The reason for cancellation is still unknown and hasn’t been mentioned by any of the cast or crew. The show was supposed to run for couple more seasons but abruptly it was called off.
Fans Look Forward To Netflix To Decisively Renew The Show
After CBS has announced the termination of the show Man With A Plan, the audience has turned towards Netflix to revive the show. Netflix has been spotted to carry the heritage of various abandoned shows and with all four seasons of Man With A Plan already streaming on Netflix, fans are suggesting perhaps Netflix should pick up the show.
So, does the show have any possibility of returning? Frankly, it is not yet finalized, but absolutely the show has enough potential for a grand comeback. With such several aficionados show clearly has scope to renew on Netflix.
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