The Kengen Omega is a martial arts manga written by Sandrovich Yabago which has taken a break for a week for the next chapter but will return next week and definitely have a blast in the New Year 2022 with a contribution to an Intense Battle. You can read the manga online on here and watch a short video below and also we are going to discuss some spoilers so stay tuned for that in this article.
Kengen Omega Chapter 141 Cast
The cast of the series is down below.
- Ohma Tokita- A fighter inn his late 20s.
- Kazuo Yamashita- A 56-year-old salaryman of Nogi Group.
- Hideki Nogi- CEO of Nogi Group.
- Kaede Akiyama- Hideki’s personal secretary.
- Lihito- nicknamed superhuman.
- Jun Sakebayashi-A pro wrestler.
- Cosmo Imai-Youngest fighter.
- Setsuya Kiryu-fighter for Koyo group.
Kengen Omega Chapter 141 Spoilers
In the previous chapter, in Kengen Omega, Edward Wu unleashes their powerful form and reveal to be King of Hades after Kure Irio attacks him and Solomon Wu. The series is set to continue the fight in the next chapter and Edward Wu should showcase powerful abilities and it is also expected that Kure Raian will make a comeback and we just need to wait and see.
The series has not rumoured anything much but what is expected we have at least discussed that in this article. Chapter 141 is expected to release 5th January 2022 and not 29th December which was expected to be. The North American fans will be able to read this on Kodansha comics and Amazon kindle. Whereas raw scans of these episodes are given on various manga and anime websites, subreddits and youtube videos. This is a famous manga so it’s available on many fan-made websites as well but we encourage you to read only from official sources only.
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