Do you remember Kemper Durand? You may have heard about Kemper Durand’s unusual death in 2013. This is why you should read the following:

After hearing that Eliza Fletcher had died, shock sets in in the United States. Everyone wants to find out if Eliza Fletcher remains safe or if she was ever hurt. All eyes are focused on the police inquiry. To find out all details, let us read Kemper Durand Memphisnews.

Why Kemper Durand is in the news?

Durand was being held hostage by a gunman. It was 2000. The gunman took Durand into the store and demanded that he use his ATM card. The suspect fled when he tried to shout for help after he saw the armed officer. Cleotha was then arrested in 2000 and charged with abducting Durand in Memphis.

An online news report stated that the same man was again arrested in 2022 for the aggravated kidnapping crime.

What Are the Particularly Aggravated Crimes of Kidnapping?

Tennessee Code Title 39 Chapter 13 Section 39-13-353 defines kidnapping as a grave crime. Tennessee Code Title 39 Chapter 13 Section 39-13-305 defines “Especially Aggravated Kidnapping”. If abduction is:

  • It was either used as a deadly weapon, or the victim believed it to be one.
  • If the victim is younger than 13, it can be done.
  • Done for ransom, shield or hostage
  • or where the victim has suffered serious injury.

This falls under the category Especially Aggravated Kidnapping. In this case, the act of kidnapping is punishable with a maximum sentence of 15-60 years in prison.

In the case Kemper durand Memphis accused Cleotha Absston was arrested with abducting. After serving 20 years in jail, she was released in July 2020.

What is the case with Abston?

According to news reports, Abston was charged with tampering evidence and particularly aggravated kidnapping Eliza Fletcher. Eliza Fletcher, a mother and teacher, went jogging on Friday and hasn’t returned. After receiving a report from her husband police began investigating and discovered that a man had taken Eliza in an SUV. A few surveillance videos helped police identify Abston.

How was Kemper Durand Memphis killed?

Kemper Bartlett Durand died February 2013 after a long battle with the flu. He was still recovering from the flu and suddenly passed away on Saturday. According to one of his children, he died in a chair near the fireplace at home.

Durand was a scholar, and was believed to be the glue that held the community together. He donated his body to medical research.

Please note that all information here is taken from the internet and not claimed by anyone.


Kemper Durand Memphis attorney who Abston kidnapped in 2000 is being charged with Especially aggravated Kidnapping of a Mother, Eliza Fletcher. Abston’s brother is being investigated in the case. She is still missing. Click here Kemper Durang to find out more.

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