Jim Sciutto, a CNN anchor, is a familiar name. Jim is an anchor from the US. Due to his personal issues, he was forced to take a leave of the network. Recent news reports talk about his return.

The network also investigated his private life. Then Jim Sciutto Anchor went on a personal leave of absence due to the same. This news caught fire in countries such Canada as well as the United States. We will be discussing all details in this article.


Jim Sciutto

Jim Sciutto works as an American News Anchor at CNN. He is the chief national security correspondent. He was also a well-known government official. Before joining CNN, he worked for ABC News. His current role is to analyze and discuss various topics like foreign affairs, national defense, military, terrorist, etc. He is also the author of Against Us, The New Face Of America’s Enemies.

Jim Sciutto Anchor Cnn latest news

The anchor of the morning newsroom newscast had been on leave for the last few days, as we all know. The network questioned his personal situation and he was not listed in his job profile. He took a direct flight to the US from Poland, according to the network. However, he went through Amsterdam instead. Sources say that all the commotion was caused by one woman making a statement. Jim Sciutto anchor Cnn is in the news for the exact same.

When will he be returning to work?

Yesterday, a CNN official passed a statement concerning Jim Sciutto’s returning. He is expected to return shortly after his departure. This has been the subject of many media inquiries. CNN refused to answer the same.

NOTE: All data taken from online sources.


This article has all the details on Jim Sciutto anchor Cnn. The investigation put him on leave. The network asked him questions about his life, and he was unable to return to work. After a few days, he returned to work. You can find out more about Jim Sciutto by following this link.


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