Recently, the newest installment of the popular historical documentary series, ‘A House Through Time’ premiered as it’s Season 4. So, in this article we will provide you details regarding it’s latest episode, ‘A House Through Time Season 4 Episode 4’ along with it’s release date.
More About ‘A House Through Time’
A House Through Time is a documentary television series made by Twenty Twenty Television with Mary Crisp as it’s producer. The first season of the series premiered in 2018, a second in 2019, a third in 2020, and a fourth in September 2021, with each examining the history of a solitary private residential building in an English city.
The programme is introduced by David Olusoga, who is an alumni of the University of Liverpool and studied History there in the early 1990s and currently is a Professor of Public History at Manchester University. The series specialist is Historian Professor Deborah Sugg Ryan, from the University of Portsmouth, who additionally shows up in each episode.
A House Through Time Season 4 Episode 4: Plot Summary
The ongoing Season 4 series covers the mystery of 5 Grosvenor Mount, in the Headingley area of Leeds.
In this season, David discovers a factory owner with a history of background marked by sketchy deals, also an employee who was stabbed to death on a construction site, while he further explores the issues of the house’s new tenant, Benjamin Wilde. The story of Mary and Andrew Mellish, whose child died of one of the city’s deadliest diseases, was then told by David.
When Is ‘A House Through Time Season 4 Episode 4’ Coming Out?
The latest upcoming episode of the documentary series, ‘A House Through Time Season 4 Episode 4’ is scheduled to be released on September 28, 2021. This forthcoming episode is directed by Nicola Seare.
Where To Stream ‘A House Through Time Season 4 Episode 4’?
You can stream the forthcoming episode, ‘A House Through Time Season 4 Episode 4’ at 9 PM on BBC Two channel or on it’s official platform. The documentary series is also available on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video with mandatory subscription.
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