Hunter x Hunter is an anime based on a Japanese manga series. Season 1 of the Hunter x Hunter was released on 2nd October 2011. Season 6 aired in 2014 and “hunter x hunter season 7” is awaited by the fans.
“Hunter x Hunter season 7” release date?
“Hunter x Hunter season 7” has yet not been official. There is no update from the makers, however “hunter x hunter season 7” is expected to be launched in December 2021. The makers said that they are willing to give an appropriate ending to the story.
Hunter x Hunter is an anime that was released on 2nd October 2011 is based on a Japanese manga series. This anime is directed by Hiroshi Kōjina and produced by Madhouse. The first season consists of 26 episodes. There are six seasons till far, and the fans are most awaited for season 7.
The story is about a young boy Gon Freecss who wants to fulfill his dream of becoming a legendary hunter like his father. His father was an accomplished hunter. Gon must pass his rigorous examination of a legendary hunter in order to find his missing father. Hunter x Hunter is a complete relaunched of the anime adaptation with no connections to the first anime from 1999. Gon was earlier told that his parents were already dead but later he finds about them and starts their search.
Hunter x Hunter stars Megumi Han, Mariya Ise, Keiji Fujiwara, Miyunki Sawashiro, and Namikawa as their cast till season 6. There are chances of the same to be cast in season 7.
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