How do we cure arrhythmia?

Most arrhythmias are considered harmless and untreated. Once your doctor records that you have an arrhythmia, he or she will need to determine whether it is abnormal or just reflects the normal process of the heart. In this article, we’ll be discussing how to cure arrhythmia. We’ll also be discussing what we can do to prevent arrhythmias.

What is arrhythmia?

You may feel your heart beating, increasing, or “quivering.” It may feel too fast (called tachycardia) or too slow (called bradycardia). Or you might not notice anything.

Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. This means your heart has lost its normal rhythm. Arrhythmias may be urgent or harmless. If you feel an abnormal heartbeat, get medical help right away so your doctor can understand why this is happening and what you need to do.

How to cure arrhythmia?

Treatment will depend on what type of arrhythmia you have. Here are the different types of cure for arrhythmia.

Vagus nerve actions

These techniques trigger your body to relax by affecting your vagus nerve, which helps control your heart rate. Your doctor may tell you to either cough or gag, hold your breath, lie down, or apply a cold, damp washcloth to your face.


The device sends small electrical pulses to your heart muscle to maintain a safe heart rate. It includes a pulse generator with batteries and a microcomputer, as well as wires that send pulses to the heart muscle.

Electrical cardioversion

You may need cardioversion if drugs cannot control an uneven heart rhythm (such as atrial fibrillation). To do this, your doctor will place you underneath and shock your chest wall to trigger your heart’s normal rhythm.

Prevention for arrhythmia

  • Make healthy lifestyle choices. Having regular exercise and a healthy, low-fat diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and other vitamin-rich foods are essential when it comes to having a healthy life.
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Try to avoid or quit smoking, and avoid secondhand smoke. Tobacco accounts for one-third of all cardiovascular diseases.
  • Avoid unnecessary stress, such as anger, anxiety, or fear, and find ways to manage or avoid unavoidable stressful situations and factors.
  • Get regular physical exams and promptly report any unusual symptoms to your doctor.

Monitor your pulse

You should know how to measure your pulse, especially if you have an artificial pacemaker.

  • Place the middle and ring fingers of one hand on the inside of the wrist, under the thumb, or on the side of the neck under the corner of the chin of the other hand.
  • Feel the pulse.
  • Count the number of beats in a minute.
  • Record your pulse and the date and time it took, and note how you felt at the time. Use our blood pressure/pulse tracker.

Avoid the following substances that can cause an arrhythmia

  • Psychotropic drugs (used to treat certain mental illnesses)
  • Antiarrhythmic drugs
  • Caffeine
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Cold and cough medicine
  • Street drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, and “speed” or methamphetamine
  • Appetite suppressants
  • Beta-blockers for hypertension

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