Horimiya is a series that is written and illustrated by Hiroki Adachi. In a very short time, this series has won many hearts and fans fall in love with this amazing story of two opposite high school students and their love story.
This is a typical story of one of the girls and a boy who lives differently outside the school and has shared their secrets with each other. As time went by, they got fell in love. The fans are expecting a cute ending and hoping for a continuation of an amazing romantic love story.
Can we expect Season 2 of Horimiya?
The expectation is very less of the upcoming of the new season i.e. season 2 of Horimiya because the makers are left with no more material and also the least season was concluded with all the twists and has not started work for the renewing off the new season. So we can’t say anything about the future of Season 2 of Horimiya.
[web_stories_embed url=”https://evedonusfilm.com/web-stories/horimiya/” title=”Horimiya” poster=”” width=”360″ height=”600″ align=”center”]
Also, it is very hard to say about the returning of the new season as makers have already wrapped all the plots and stories. The good ending of the last season is depicting that maybe we can’t able to see the second season. No more source material is left and as the release of last chapter 122 of March 2021, the story was on manga series was also having its last chapter. So, we can conclude that Season 2 will no longer be going to happen.
Official Trailer of Horimiya and if season 2 will release then when it will return?
Here is the official trailer of Horimiya:
As we all know that Horimiya might be not a part of our lives anymore, but still we can’t say it until the official announcement because till yet it has concluded the manga chapters but there is no announcement for the cancelation of the new season.
On 10th January 2021, the first season was premiered with 13 episodes in total before the ending on 4th April 2021. So, in case of season 2 gets renewed, it might be published in 2022-2023, till then we all have to wait for any new official statement. Also, season 1 is available on Funimation, Hulu, and Netflix.
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