Highschool of the Dead is a gripping anime series that aired from July 5 to September 20, 2010, along with the release of an OVA (Original Video Animation) on April 26, 2011. Spanning a total of 12 episodes excluding the OVA, the series’ storyline was based on the manga series of the same name and was helmed by Tetsurō Araki as director and Yōsuke Kuroda as series composer.
Highschool of the Dead Premise
The premise of the show is set in an apocalyptic world in present day, where the outbreak of a deadly pandemic has sent the world into a state of terror as it turns humans into zombies. The primary protagonist of the series is Takashi Komuro, a student of Fujimi High School. The show traces his attempts at survival along with the school nurse and several other classmates, who managed to make it through the initial outbreak as survivors.
Despite having a main protagonist, the show oftentimes switches the focus to other characters in order to depict the proceedings from their perspective and break the monotony. Presenting a life-or-death situation to the viewers, the series also depicts the deterioration of the characters’ moral codes through its screenplay and storyline.
Where to Watch Highschool of the Dead?
Highschool of the Dead is available to watch on multiple online platforms. AnimeLab has all episodes of the series available to watch for free, however, the website may not be accessible in all countries. As per some reports, viewers from certain countries such as Panama can find the show on Netflix. Popular subscription-based streaming website Hulu also has the show available to watch online. Crunchyroll, which is a popular hub for anime content, also has the show available for viewers to watch.
Should Fans Expect a Season 2?
As unfortunate as it may seem, most evidence points that the possibilities of Highschool of the Dead having a second season are slim. While there still is content in the manga series that the show has not yet explored, the manga itself was left incomplete following the death of its author, Daisuke Satō, in March 2017. This means that even if the show does continue for another season, it may not have closure unless written by another writer, in which case it runs the potential risk of becoming inconsistent with the remainder of the storyline.
The original makers of the show have expressed that they do not have any intentions of taking the series forward with a new season. While this may seem to put a full stop to the discussion, there have been speculations arising that the series may be picked up for renewal by a US-based anime network. Although this does appear to be good news, there have not been any formal or official confirmations on this front, and the availability of concrete evidence to back up these speculations is little to none.
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