Getter Robo Arc is a Japanese manga series that was first serialized from 19th July 2001 to 19 September 2003 in Futabasha’s Super Robot Magazine. The show was initially released on July 4th, 2021, and received huge popularity within few episode episodes. The fans are amazed by the story and eagerly waiting for the next episode. The countdown for season 1 episode 3 has begun and is expected to release on 18 July 2021.
Getter Robo Arc Episode 3 Plot
Getter Robo Arc series focuses on the situation 19 years after Gon, Ryoma and Messiah left earth in the Shin Getter 1 to Mars. The world was recovering from the prior struggle that almost transformed the planet. The Saotome Institute is now ruled by Hatayo Jin, working hard to train new pilots for protecting the planet from threats within and beyond the earth. Getter Robo Arc is the final legacy of Professor Saotome.
Under the guidance of Baku Yamagishi, a teenage boy Takuma Nagare, the only son of Ryoma emerges on a journey to find answers about his legacy. During a battle between the Saotome institute Getter team and a metal beast, Takuma and Baku hijack a fallen getter D2 after the pilot dies. Hayato gets impressed and assigns a mission after witnessing Takuma and Baku’s potential as the last hope to protect humanity.
Getter Robot Arc Episode 2 Recap
Kamui and Takuma indulge in a small friendly fight as Kamui gets angry after Takuma teases his face as if he is human or Saurian. Kamui hates it when anyone discussions and makes fun of his face. Soldiers tried to stop the fight between them but were unsuccessful. The two started to initiate powerful blows which definitely entertained the shoulders.
Jin noticed Takuma bleeding and showed his concern to which Takuma neglected and behaved as nothing happened to him. Takuma gets infuriated when Jin states that it is not the injury he is worried about but it’s the blood of Ryoma Nagare that flows into his veins. Takuma wonders if his father works here.
In the episode, the events are shaped one after the other reveling about Takuma’s father. Later towards the end, Takuma and Baku get designated for contending with the antagonist.
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