Fruits Basket anime series is based on the manga series of the same name. The first season of the series was aired from April 6, 2019 to September 21, 2019. The second season was aired from April 7, 2020 to September 22, 2020. The third season of the series got premiered from April 6, 2021.
The manga series is written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. The anime series is produced by TMS Entertainment and directed by Yoshihide Ibata .
Where to Watch: Fruits Basket Season 3 Episode 2
The series is available on Funimation and Crunchyroll. But Funimation holds the home video rights.
Fruits Basket Season 3 Episode 2 Release Date
Fruits Basket Season 3 episode 2 will get released on April 12, 2021 Monday at 10.35 AM PDT.
The series will be aired on Monday April 12, 2021, at 12.35 PM CDT, Central Time and at 1:35 PM EDT as per Eastern Time.
Fruits Basket Season 3 Episode 2 Cast.
Tohru Honda, the voice actor is Manaka Iwami in Japanese and Laura Bailey in English. The Japanese voice actor for Yuki Shoma is Nobunaga Shimazaki in Japanese and Eric Vale in English. For Kyo Sohma, it is Yuma Uchida in Japanese and Jerry Jewell in English. For Shigure Sohma, it is Yuki Nachamura and John Burgmeier respectively in Japanese and English.
Satomi Sato in Japanese and Jad Saxton in English have given their voices respectively to Saki Hanajima. Rie Kugimiya and Tia Ballard have given the Japanese and English voices respectively to Kaguro Sohma.
Fruits Basket Season 3 Episode 2 Plot.
Fruits Basket is a supernatural romance anime show, that moves around a compassionate orphan girl Tooru Honda. She is very kind. She understands that Yuki Souma, her schoolmate and his family members have been cursed to change into animals when they get emotional or even when they are hugged by members of opposite sex.
Tooru starts living with Yuki, and his cousin Shigure. Another member from the Souma family also joins them.
In episode one of Season 3, we have seen that there is nothing between her and Hatori. We can also see that, both Soma and her daughter hate each other. Although Ren tries to touch Hatori, she pushes him back. Let us wait and watch the next new episode.
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