Daredevil is an American superhero crime drama series on Netflix starring Charlie cox as the protagonist who is a lawyer by profession and has an alter ego Daredevil a vigilante by night, he’s a “man without fear”. The show is an adaptation of Marvel comics.
The show has 39 episodes in 3 seasons. It is often regarded as the best marvel TV show, the storyline is perfectly portrayed and will keep the watchers stuck to their screens. It also has other characters of marvel world like Punisher played by Jon Bernthal, Kingpin played Vincent D’Onofrio, and Wilson Bethel as Bullseye.
The show is filled with action sequences that are breathtaking to watch the direction done by Drew Goddard is amazing. The show is definitely a must-watch.
Daredevil season 4 : Cancellation and new release date:
The show was to be canceled after Season 3 and it was announced in November 2018 that Season 4 is canceled although nothing specific was mentioned by Netlfix but it was evidently because Netlfix wanted more original shows and Daredevil just fit in the category and align with their new plans for the streaming platform.
Season 4 isn’t happening although fans thought that Disney would do something about the situation and bring back the Hero to screens that didn’t happen but recently it got confirmed that Daredevil is going to make a comeback in Marvel’s multiverse Spiderman-3 he’ll be starring with Tom Holland and they’ll even have a battle.
All fans are waiting for the comeback of this perplexing Superhero. Spiderman 3 is set to release on big screens on December 17th, 2021.
Stay with Eve Donus film for all the latest updates.