Final Fantasy is a Japanese science fantasy media franchise, which is created by Hironobu Sakaguchi. This franchise is of the genre role playing video game. The first game got released in 1987.This MMORPG ( Massively Multiplyer Online Role Playing Game) released its third expansion, Shadowbringers in 2019. Final Fantasy 14, is available on Windows 10, Steam and Playstation 4. A PS5 version will also be available from April 13.This is a massive multiplayer game, so it is shared among thousands of players simultaneously.
Final Fantasy 14: Gameplay
Square Enix gives a free trial to all the players, who have not registered yet. This free trial allows the Warriors of Light to experience the base game and the expansion of Heavensward entirely.And the happy news is that there is no limit for the free trial. If you like the free version, you can purchase the game for a cost of $39.99.
Final Fantasy XIV Release Date
The PS5 version of Final Fantasy 14, will be available from April 13. This facility is available for players who have registered the game on PS4. The same day Patch 5.5 update will hit the game. PS5 upgrade will be available to the PS4 players without any extra cost.
The Final Fantasy XIV, PS5 open beta, will have a 4K resolution, a higher frame rate, and will support for both 3D audio and haptic feedback.
Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.5 Details.
This new patch named as Death Unto Dawn, will be seeing its story content split into two parts. The first part will be released on April 13, that is the same day as that of PS5 open Beta. The second part is set for the end of May.
The final raid of Patch 5.5 will be released in Yorha, Dark Apocalypse saga. This last raid in the series can address these issues, and tie the world of Nier successfully into Final Fantasy 14. Besides the main story content, it don’t seem that Patch 5.5 will be of much interest to the players.
Patch 5.5 will close out with Diamond weapon, which is the most powerful of all. The official site of Shadowbringers has been updated to include Patch 5.5.
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