Fake N95 masks have glutted the market: Here’s how to tell them apart?

N95 masks regard to be ideal for mask usage, but the Fake copies of N95 are glutted all over the market during the pandemic.

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approves that N95 filers 95%of airborne particles. This is the most important thing for acknowledging N95.

Things you need to look at before buying a mask:

  • N95 have a NIOSH approval stamp.
  • Fake N95 masks have typos and other errors.
  • If you are purchasing through a website, make sure to explore and investigate the website and assure there are no solecism, incorrect grammar, or any other omission.
  • N95 masks do not have any decorative.
  • N95 masks have an ear loop.
  • NIOSH does not approve masks for children.


The recent pandemic situation has opened new opportunities for the fraud industry. As the demand for the N95 mask has increased and due to the less supply the duplicate masks have started making scope in the market. If you were cheated and got a  mask, do report the forge to the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Centre.

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