People are constantly discussing hot topics, which has spawned a lot of rumors, speculation, and misconceptions about sex in society. Why do people go crazy for lack of sex? Do masturbators have hair on the palms? Where and how to find the G-spot and what virility can lead a woman to orgasm? We will talk about it and much more in this article.
The main reasons for the rumors are problems in the intimate life of people. Both men and women have some specific problems in their sex life. If we talk about diseases of the male sexual sphere, then it is about various anxiety syndromes, expectations of sexual failure, neurotic conditions, erectile dysfunctions, for example, of a psychogenic nature. The main problem for women is getting pleasure, which they often cannot feel: the problem of lack of orgasm. In fact, two people are responsible for sex: a man and a woman.
Female libido can be boosted by using Vigorelle, a natural female enhancement cream that has lost interest in sexual activities. It acts as a lubricant to promote sexual sensations and facilitate smooth penetration leading to increased orgasms.
People lose their sexual desire with age.
– That’s right, and it’s perfectly adequate. This statement is mainly due to the growth and aging of the body, changes in hormone levels. This is a natural process. If an older 80-year-old man tells you that he has an attraction, he is most likely connected in some way with mental health service as a patient.
This is not a myth, this is a reality that is given by nature! Changes in hormones, decreased testosterone levels in men and a small amount of estradiol in female sex hormones – all this affects the decrease in libido, it should be so. It’s just a consequence of our life, it’s just that each age has its specific sexuality. There are couples who have been living together for 30 years and are very well adapted and their sexuality is fine. In this case, it is clear that a woman will not want a man every day, she has already adapted to him for a long time, they live in harmony, the attraction is reduced, but they know how to increase it, how to make contact happens. They are perfect couples. If he is 60 and she is 35, as is often the case, a man artificially tries to increase her sexuality, but this is also normal.
Viagra kills
Viagra is a trade name. Doctors call this drug sildenafil, and there are also analogs such as Cialis with the active ingredient Tadalafil. These pills have revolutionized sexuality and erectile dysfunction in men. They certainly work. The whole world uses pills to increase potency.
With the use of these drugs, the problems in men became much less. Each medicine has its own contraindications, there are handfuls of these pills randomly, of course it is impossible, you must always follow the directions or consult a specialist. First of all, you need to understand why you should take them. If you have anxiety in your head, then it won’t help.
Experts say you need to have sex with confidence, without anxiety
If a person is suspicious, he is under stress, he has a vasospasm. With vasospasm, sex hormones do not work, and even these drugs, which are usually used for guaranteed erection, do not always help. Is it harmful or not? If a person takes them systematically at a young age, this is impractical and can be harmful to health. What would such a man do without the pills? He already gets used to them, gets used to a guaranteed powerful erection, without pills, fear arises, unstable potency, and in fact he is addicted to drugs. If you take the drug once, even for a young person, nothing bad will happen. For example, there are times when a man goes somewhere, has an attraction, but he is anxious or depressed. Here the pill may not work – it is important to feel confident. It didn’t work out with the girl, that’s it – I’m helpless, I’m sick, what am I supposed to do now? He thinks about the pill, which will surely help, goes to the girl in a state of stress, worries that nothing will work – he is ready for a negative result, which eventually turns out. Sometimes it is enough to drink a sedative if there are no real disturbances in sexual function.
A healthy person will not have heart problems straight from these pills. Medicines dilate small blood vessels, including the eyes and face. Why does a person have a stuffy nose when using drugs? Because the small vessels expand. But this does not mean that the man’s blood pressure rises terribly. The same thing happens with the penis, the small vessels in the penis also expand. Here the effect on the heart is completely different. These drugs stimulate the heartbeat. If you take a pill and your heart is unhealthy, it starts beating fast and then anything can happen. It also happens that retirees from these pills go to the afterlife. But for a person to die, he must have chronic diseases, such as ischemic heart disease. That’s right, a healthy body of a healthy man will not refuse, this pill can’t kill a healthy one. For example, a 58-year-old patient with minor problems wants more pleasure. He was recommended one tablet per day. This is no longer possible, the load is very powerful. So he drank one, then it felt like a little, and he drank two. The effect was overwhelming, he barely left, shivered for two days, did not get out of bed for almost a day, tortured the poor woman with a long act. To somehow resolve the situation, he had to use sedative drops. Therefore, it is important to observe the dosage of he barely left, trembled for two days, did not get out of bed for almost a day, tortured the poor woman with a long act. To somehow resolve the situation, she had to use sedative drops. Therefore, it is important to observe the dosage of he barely left, trembled for two days, did not get out of bed for almost a day, tortured the poor woman with a long act. To somehow resolve the situation, she had to use sedative drops. Therefore, it is important to observe the dosage of Viagrao Cialis.
Regular sex is the key to a good mood
– Of course, this is not a myth, but an axiom. The regularity of sex, its presence in life or its absence form the mood of a person. During orgasm, the bodies of the partners release happiness hormones, which then give this state of relaxation a state of euphoria, a state of peace and satisfaction. In men, for example, oxytocin is produced, so very often a man falls asleep immediately after sex. It is a powerful sleeping pill. These feelings can provide a good mood the next day, but here everything is individual and there are many nuances. It depends on what kind of partner the man was, what sex he was, the quality of him. You can get a dull orgasm against the background of routine sexual intercourse, say, with an unloved woman. When a man needs it, because he needs it, it did and there is nothing special about it. This is one thing. It is another question when there is love, when there are feelings. There are also situations when a man tries to prove that he is a sexy hero “Jack”, he tries to do it for several hours, and this is completely stupid, mediocre and useless. To bring a woman to orgasm, sex must last 15 minutes. If it is ready, if it is normally heated, then it is enough. 5. It makes no sense to overfill the circle in the small basin with blood for a long time: this adversely affects health and is very harmful. All of this is directly related to the prostate and rectum. Sex should be planned. There are also situations when a man tries to prove that he is a sexy hero “Jack”, he tries to do it for several hours, and this is completely stupid, mediocre and useless. To bring a woman to orgasm, sex must last 15 minutes. If it is ready, if it is normally heated, then it is enough. 5. It makes no sense to overfill the circle in the small basin with blood for a long time: this adversely affects health and is very harmful. All of this is directly related to the prostate and rectum. Sex should be planned. There are also situations when a man tries to prove that he is a sexy hero “Jack”, he tries to do it for several hours, and this is completely stupid, mediocre and useless. To bring a woman to orgasm, sex must last 15 minutes. If it is ready, if it is normally heated, then it is enough. 5. It makes no sense to overfill the circle in the small basin with blood for a long time: this adversely affects health and is very harmful. All of this is directly related to the prostate and rectum. Sex should be planned. It makes no sense to overfill the circle in the small basin with blood for a long time – this adversely affects health and is very harmful. All of this is directly related to the prostate and rectum. Sex should be planned. It makes no sense to overfill the circle in the small basin with blood for a long time – this adversely affects health and is very harmful. All of this is directly related to the prostate and rectum. Sex should be planned.
Size matters
– This is, of course, a myth. Penis size does not affect a woman’s orgasm and the quality of sex in general. If we are talking about a micropenis, the length of which in an erect state does not exceed 10 centimeters, say, 5 or 7 centimeters, then this is already a problem. A woman will not be able to get an orgasm. But these cases are usually anomalies. But if a person has an average size – from 12 centimeters and above, then everything here is very individual. The fact is that the vagina has a very good elasticity. The vagina adjusts to the size of the penis. If a woman had a partner with a dignity of 20 centimeters, and she was already used to it, and if the partner was good in all other respects, then obviously 12 centimeters would not be enough for her.
If a woman has already given birth, she will not be able to work with the vagina in order to have normal intercourse – it all depends on the small size of the penis. Sometimes couples come where a man complains about the size of a woman’s vagina and compares it to a bucket. If a woman does not take care of herself, she does not train the muscles of the vagina, and a man has an insignificant size, disharmony can occur. But again, the vagina can be sutured, all of this is done, everything is corrected, only the size of the penis is not corrected. The goldenest phrase in all sexology: the main thing is not how to twirl, but how to twirl. This is the essence itself. As they say: “As long as I have ten fingers and a tongue, I am helpless?”
Contrary to popular belief, size doesn’t matter in sex
Male dignity can be increased
– This is one hundred percent myth! No pump, no pump will help. You can find very expensive devices in sex shops. Their essence lies in the fact that a tractor is attached to the penis, a gap of two kilograms is suspended from below, and this weight constantly pulls the penis down. In fact, nothing is happening right now. Only the corpora cavernosa, the component parts of the penis, where blood is collected under pressure, are stretched. For this reason, only problems with the genitourinary system can arise, difficulties in terms of outflow of urine can occur. In fact, these are the most real devices to run. These are advertising gimmicks, bluffs: there is no increase.
The longer the nose, the more masculine
There is no direct relationship. A man with a tall enough stature can have the smallest penis size. Inconsistencies in a person’s penis size and size can occur due to endocrine system disorders. This is quite a myth, because everyone has their own DNA code and everything is embedded in it: penis size, lifespan, number of orgasms, leg size, and nose length. If we talk about medicine, a person two meters tall has more prominent genitals, but even this is not an axiom. Yes, there is one such that the length of the penis can be determined by the shape of the nose, but this is quite speculation. They are only anthropometric data. For example, Peter the Great had a very tall height and 38th shoe size, and we don’t know anything about his penis. All of this comes from the field of conjecture and hypothesis.
The G-spot exists
– This is only 50% proven. It appears only in half of women. This is a distinct accumulation of glandular ducts on the anterior wall of the vagina, just behind the pubis – 5 centimeters higher along the anterior wall. For some it works, for others it doesn’t: the wonders of nature have not yet been fully explored, everything depends exclusively on nature. As a rule, they don’t seriously talk about it as a place to stimulate orgasm. If a woman scratches behind her ear before orgasm, she will develop a certain reflex over time. She can have fun without the introduction of the penis. Let’s just say: she scratched behind her ear, inserted and had an orgasm. There is no point in dwelling on the G-spot research, although for some women it works. With the right touch and stimulation,
The woman’s child will be like the first sexual partner
From the point of view of medicine, this is impossible. They say that dogs very often look like their owners, but this has nothing to do with science, that’s how it is here. How to prove all this, even if there are no genes, a woman becomes pregnant with a certain sperm. In general, these are unwarranted prejudices.
Abstinence is bad for your health
– This is not a myth! It harms men more. Men have a continuous cycle of sperm renewal. The best prevention of prostatitis and prostate cancer is sex and exercise. When the release of sperm occurs, the muscles contract, the work of the testicles and the entire hormonal system in general improves. If a man abstains for more than a month, he already hurts him. Stagnation of the prostate begins to manifest itself and mood decreases. If you don’t have a woman, you need to masturbate. But not for harm, but for health reasons, so that the body functions and hormones are released. It’s like physical education: if you don’t lift your leg after a fracture, it will simply dry out, the same thing happens with the penis. For a woman, sexual intercourse is also very important, also for its socialization and the sensations of genital pleasure, but it is not necessary. Orgasm is not a woman’s nature. For a woman, the lack of sexual activity is more harmless. There is only one exception: if a woman was sexually active and stops abruptly, she will get very tired, she will become irritable and bitchy.
From masturbation, the sight sits down quickly and the hair grows on the palms
– These are nothing but horror stories that scare young people and young people so that they don’t. Young people between the ages of 14 and 18 have a period of hypersexuality and very often engage in self-gratification. You don’t even need to explain anything, this myth is medically absurd, it is simply absurd from the density. The hairs on the palms, the organs of vision and the penis are not connected in any way. It’s a joke.
Be energetic, confident in yourself and always read and follow the indications and contraindications for potency pills, if necessary, and your sex life will always be bright and enjoyable!